What songs do you need for your wedding day?

I’m often asked by couples about which or how many songs they need for their wedding day.

I always say that there’s no need to worry about choosing a lot of music for the reception – that’s my job after all, right?  I find it more effective if you tell me if there’s anything you definitely do NOT want to hear rather than you building an extensive playlist.

Of course, we’ll finalise your first dance and any other special songs you need when we meet in the weeks leading up to the actual wedding day.  If you have a couple of songs in mind that you’d like to use but aren’t exactly sure when to use them, here’s a couple of parts of the day they might fit, and these are the most common parts of a wedding day timeline that you might need.

At the ceremony:

Wedding MusicProcessional (as you walk down the aisle as the ceremony begins). This can be anything you like, as long as YOU like it! Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks.

Interlude – during the signing of the legal documents. You may need two songs here, or I can extend one if that’s all you have.

Recessional – at the end when you’re married and are walking back out past your guests.  I recommend something lively and a bit more energetic than anything else used earlier in the ceremony.

At the reception:

Grand Entrance – something to help make a statement as you are announced into the reception.  Again, energetic is recommended.

Cake Cutting – not essential but a great place to use that song you really want to have played on the day, but can’t decide where to use.

First Dance – you don’t need to use the entire song, and I can edit it, lengthen, shorten it, remove entire parts of the song, or possibly source a slightly different version.

Father/Daughter dance – this is something that’s become more popular over the last few years and there’s plenty of great songs to use, not necessarily just slow, sad songs either!

Also, if you’re doing any kind of memorial or commemoration, perhaps a candle lighting ceremony you might want to have something quiet, subtle, and preferably instrumental while this happens.  Again, not essential.


Remember, it’s YOUR wedding!  If the song is right for you, if you love the song and just think it’s perfect for your wedding day, then use it.  As long as the lyrics aren’t blatantly offensive or vulgar, then don’t worry about what guests think.  Read my post about the Wedding Police here.

I hope this helps!

Auckland Wedding DJ

Auckland Wedding DJ